Internet is one of the best way to communicate with others. But it is not only the way to communicate with others, it is also the way to listen songs, play online games, chatting and downloading. In the first world the speed of internet is very high and that can be even up to 1gbps (invented by Google). But in the third world like Bangladesh, internet speed is too slow like 256kbps. The highest internet speed is 1mbps, which is called very poor speed in America. Today I will show you how to have up to 5X speedy internet without any software!!!


1. First open run by start menu

2. Type CMD

3. Now type ipconfig/all

4. Then find out the line DNS SERVERS

5. Type the second line of it on note pad or remember it

6. Now type ping **.***.***.** -t

     Example: If your DNS server is then type ping –t

7. Now enjoy high speed internet !!!